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Kare Plus, Croydon

Pink Ribbon: Women Up!

Wednesday, October 13th, 2021 | Awareness

          In every 10 minutes, we spend in our life, 1 person is diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer that occurs in women. Worldwide, there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and 685, 000 deaths globally. At the end of the year 2020, there were 7.8 million women alive were diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 5 years, which makes it the world's most prevalent cancer. There are certain instances wherein breast cancer also occurs in men however, it is rare.

         Breast cancer cells form a tumour that can only be seen in x-rays and can be felt as a lump. Once the tumour spread through the different blood vessels inside the body, it leads to an advanced form of breast cancer. Another different case of breast cancer is metastatic breast cancer in which the breast cancer cells spread to other parts of the body and is already metastasized. When detected and treated early, survival rates of breast cancer are high. A lump felt in the breast or armpit area is the first symptom of cancer. Other than that, there are also symptoms such as nipple discharge, pain in the breast or any foreign feeling in the breast area. Medical advice should be sought immediately once any of these symptoms are felt. In data observed, only 1 in 9 breast lumps seen by a doctor will prove to be cancerous. For every 10 women with cancerous lumps, only a few could be treated and others would die of breast cancer. Unfortunately, 50 to 80% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage in many low- and middle-income countries, when the cancer is more difficult to treat, is more expensive to do so, and is usually incurable.  

          Seeking medical advice is the most advisable thing to do to avoid the spread of breast cancer cells in your body. To know whether you have breast cancer, it is important for you to know how to check for the first symptoms yourself. The things to remember when checking for breast cancer is nipple discharge, pain in the breast, any distinct changes in its size and shape, change of nipple appearance and a change in its skin texture.

          Women tend to be the more emotional and empathic members of society. It is important for women to live each other up in times of need. This does not only apply to women but breast cancer patients need all the love and support they can get from the people around them, regardless of their gender orientation. You may not be a doctor to be able to cure a patient’s cancer but your actions are powerful enough to make them fight for their lives.

         It is seen how most women respond to their treatments. Some find the emotional struggle more difficult than the physical pain they are in. Emotional support is the best support any individual can give them. Giving them the encouragement that they will get through the toughest challenge in their lives is a way support to them as well. If one has the means to help financially, it also greatly helps since the therapy and treatments needed for breast cancer is somehow expensive and not all patients could afford them. Even the smallest amount could actually help.

          Breast cancers are indeed hard to fight, you battle with yourself and the emotional depression adds to the pain a patient is feeling every day. With the best support system and adequate financial support, one could fight breast cancer away. Let us remember how women lift each individual up, how they could lean on women and how people rely on women in their everyday lives. It is the perfect time to give back. Women Up! 

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