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7 time management tips for busy nurses

Friday, July 13th, 2018 | Blog

Being a nurse is an important, yet extremely busy job. If you are newly qualified, work on the ward can feel overwhelming at times, but the following simple time management tips can help you to get more done.

  1. Arrive early for your shift

Get in the habit of arriving 10-15 minutes before your shift begins. This will give you time to read through your reports and handover sheets and help you plan your tasks before the hustle and bustle of the shift ahead.


  1. Make a to-do list

Writing down your tasks for the shift will allow you to see clearly what jobs you need to accomplish. Once you have all your tasks on your list, try to estimate how long each job will take. Doing so will help you focus on the right amount of time for each job.


  1. Prioritise tasks

When creating your to-do list, you should think of which tasks need completing first. Also consider what may happen if you don’t complete a task immediately. Once you have determined the priority of each task, add this information to your to-do list.


  1. Be flexible with your time

Working on a ward can be unpredictable and your priorities can change very quickly, so learn to be flexible and respond to what’s going on around you. It may be useful to regularly reassess and refresh your to-do list as your shift continues.


  1. Take a break

Even if you think you don’t need a break, take one. Give yourself 10 minutes to collect your thoughts and have a glass of water. Make sure you take meal breaks on time too. You can only function properly if you have enough energy.


  1. Be organised

Don’t let papers pile up at your table and avoid letting equipment lie around when not in use. Keeping your work space organised and clutter-free can help you stay productive throughout your shift. It can also help avoid work hazards.


  1. Don’t be too hard on yourself

Time management is a skill that can’t be learnt over night. With practice, you will get better. Dwelling on things you didn’t manage to do during your shift isn’t helpful. There’s always the next shift to enhance your time management skills even more.


If you’re interested in applying for a nursing job, apply online or to find out more, get in touch with the Kare Plus team on 01952 783 333!

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