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Home Help

Help with your everyday needs around the home.

Assisting your everyday

We can be there so you can carry on enjoying the things you love most. Our home help packages can be tailor made to suit your needs and requirements.

Home help services from Kare Plus not only offer practical assistance with tasks around the home, they also offer companionship and comfort to those who might otherwise might experience some loneliness.

For more information, contact your nearest Kare Plus today and a dedicated team member will be in touch with you soon.

Home Helpers are there to support you or your loved ones

Our home help for elderly and people of all ages provides essential support with everyday tasks, including:


Washing and ironing

Food preparation

Dog walking and pet care

Light gardening

Shopping and more

Chat to our team

For more information about our services, please contact us today and a dedicated member of our team will be in contact with you very soon.

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