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6 tips for starting a nursing degree

Friday, August 24th, 2018 | Blog

If you’re starting a nursing degree in the autumn, you may be feeling excited, nervous or maybe a bit overwhelmed by the whole idea! It’s normal to feel this way, that’s why we’ve gathered some of our top tips on how you can get the most out of the experience as well as maximising your potential.  

  1. Self-Care

Taking care of yourself so that you can take care of others is the most important thing. Getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water and ensuring you get some exercise are great ways to make sure you are at your best and if you feel your best, you are likely to be able to study more efficiently, and learn more on placement if your head is in the game!

  1. Be Responsible

Within a university setting, you are often responsible for your own learning. It’s important to be able to recognise when you need help and know that you are able to get the support you need from the people around you. Always try and ask lots of questions to find out the information you need.

  1. Time Management

Keeping a schedule to ensure you are on top of important dates is really important when you are studying so intensely. Being able to plan in advance means you will be less anxious when the time comes, because you’ve been preparing for it. A great way to remind yourself is to set up electronic alerts on your phone so you are not completely relying on your memory.

Staying organised and taking time to plan at the beginning of each week can help you save a lot of time and ensure you can keep on top of everything. Remember that life happens, if an assignment takes you longer than expected, try not to get frustrated. Review your daily tasks and make sure to flag less important items for another time.

  1. Talk to senior nursing students for advice

The more senior nursing students will have been through what you are about to go through and will be able to offer insight into aspects of the modules that you will be taking and how to achieve your goals whilst on placement. Some universities may also offer a mentor scheme where you can gather information and hand me downs such as books and class notes that they will no longer need.

  1. Don’t give up

If nursing is the career for you, everything will work out in the end. When times get tough, and you think that you can’t do it anymore, remember the reason why you decided to be a nurse and call on the support of your family and friends when you feel overwhelmed.

  1. Spend time with patients and professionals

It can sometimes be hard to see things from someone else’s point of view, but if you spend time talking to patients and other healthcare professionals such as HCAs, you get invaluable knowledge and learn about the experiences of others within the healthcare industry. Talking to patients can also improve your listening skills which is essential for a career in nursing.

If you are already a nurse with Kare Plus, why not share your tips and advice for those who are aspiring to achieve their dreams. We look forward to hearing from you!

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